Our Services
Develop a New Hospital
The Indonesian government estimate around half a million new hospital beds
Expand a hospital
Our business tools and experienced consultants can also support initiatives..
Make a Business Plan
A watertight business plan may sound like a really obvious place to startstrategy...
Implement a Business Plan
Not only does HCM excellence provide a precise and exacting business strategy...
Hospital Turn-Around
Hospital beds are at a premium and more and more are needed but what if the ones...
Perusahaan kami PT. Nusantara sebelas Medika merupakan anak usaha PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XI mengenal HCM Excellence saat proses spin off perusahaan kami dari perusahaan induk.… Read more “PT. NUSANTARA SEBELAS MEDIKA”
Pengalaman kami di Mayapada Healthcare saat bekerjasama dengan HCME sangat baik, baik dr Albert Hendarta maupun Bpk. Johanes beserta timnya selalu merespon baik permintaan kami… Read more “Mayapada Healthcare”
RS RK Charitas Palembang adalah RS kelas B di Palembang dengan kapasitas 388 tempat tidur, 135 dokter spesialis dan 43 dokter umum. Kami bekerjasama dengan… Read more “RS RK Charitas Palembang”
PT Citra Ratna Nirmala yang mengelola 4 rumah sakit di Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara yaitu RS Stella Maris Makassar, RS Fatima Makale, RS Santa Anna… Read more “PT Citra Ratna Nirmala”
About Us
HCM Excellence is one of the leading healthcare management consultancy firms in Indonesia. Founded by Dr Albert Hendarta 2004, our firm has grown from a part-time pursuit to a company employing more than ten full-time staff. We have assisted over 150 hospitals since our humble beginning.
Our clients are developers, owners and managers of hospitals across Indonesia. We help our clients with developing new hospitals, expanding existing hospitals or improving performance of their hospitals. Our clients see us as a trusted source of information and advice.
Our vision is "to become the most sought-after healthcare management consultants in Indonesia by providing innovative and practical solutions". We constantly improve our services, to make ensure that we generate results that exceed our clients' expectations.
Developing new, or expanding existing, hospitals are major undertakings. No single firm can provide all necessary advice, systems and solutions. That's why we work with selected partners, to ensure we can assist with most facets of the development.
Our Goals
Years Experience
Happy Clients
Feasibility Study